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A seasonal traveler and scuba diver with camera. Her works have been exhibited and published. She is also a part time blogger on travel, dive trips and writing monthly blog article on marine life and marine conservation. Please visit her website for her blog post and photography.

End Of Media Stream

Posted on: April 9, 2021

Sub2o Post


Cuba Diving: Jardines de la Reina

Jardines de la Reina is perhaps the most organized diving area in Cuba in terms of diving service and environmental protection. The area enjoys full protection from the Cuban government since 1990-ish. In this area, scuba divers will enjoy the diving with tens of sharks, healthy corals and perhaps to meet a famous crocodile, Franco, a saltwater American crocodile who is frequently visit the floating cabin Tortuga where the scuba divers usually stay.

Posted on: February 28, 2020

Sub2o Post


Lembeh Strait: Diving with the “Aliens”

Everyone has their first time did something special and keep that moment for life. So does a scuba diver. During my diving trip, I have encountered several first time moments that made me smile every time remember those days. From the first time diving with tens sharks, to a long dive with mantas. And in Lembeh strait is the place where for the first time I encountered the aliens look-alike marine species, from hairy frogfish to just “normal” looking cardinalfish. The diving in Lembeh strait was addictive, and I wish someday I will return again, to dive with these “aliens”.

Posted on: March 26, 2015


Coral Day, A Dream to Restore Bangka Island

Organizing a Coral Day in a half-mined island and damaged seawater sounds like a tragic joke, but should a dream for healthy coral reefs vanished after greediness, ignorance and neglectfulness?

Posted on: December 20, 2014


Christmas Tree in the Tropical Sea

Since it is nearly Christmas, let me share this unique species from the tropical sea: Christmas Tree worm. I have published it in my blog but would love to share it with Diveadvisor community :)

Posted on: December 8, 2014

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Save Bangka Island

In Indonesia, North Sulawesi Province, between of two famous diving destination Bunaken and Lembeh Strait, there is an island called Bangka (Regency of North Minahasa).

Posted on: November 24, 2014

Sub2o Post


Finding Nemo in Raja Ampat

There is no doubt that the movie Finding Nemo has increased the popularity of clownfish. Nemo and his father, Marlin, are just one species from tens clownfish/anemonefish species recognized by far. What I love about the diving in Raja Ampat (West Papua, Indonesia) was: I saw (regularly) at least four species of clownfish in (almost) every dive site I visited.


