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A self taught photographer, I always seeks out new terrain where animals and nature abound. An avid scuba diver and motorcycle rider, I have been documenting my experiences for more than twenty years learning how fragile life is and developing a profound respect for all living systems. Convinced that no mind is ever open enough, I travel as much as I can and try to stay open to new ways of seeing.


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End Of Media Stream

Posted on: July 16, 2021

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Sharks of the Bahamas

Shark feeding dives are no longer just for the avid diver or thrill seekers. Bahama's crystal clear waters are the best environment to come nose to nose with a frenzied school of sharks after they smelled the chum.

Posted on: July 9, 2021

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Jurassic Encounters at Komodo Island National Park

The last and only habitat for the Komodo dragon, the waters of the national park are home to some of the most amazing displays of life.

Posted on: July 2, 2021

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The Bizarre and Amazing Creatures of Lembeh

Lembeh puts an abstract and bizarre twist on underwater encounters and can be an endless source of inspiration. A true Jurassic experience not only for underwater photographers or scuba enthusiasts but anyone attracted to nature.

Posted on: June 4, 2021

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Beqa Island’s Shark Adventures

The new awareness about sharks, their role in the equilibrium of our oceans, and our indiscriminate abuse is now creating a new perspective and sense of curiosity that drives many of us to seek sharks in the open water.

Posted on: June 19, 2020

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Corn Islands, Nicaragua’s Hidden Gem

The Atlantic coast of central America is not often associated with Scuba diving. With a thriving dive and tourism industry at the nearby Caribbean islands, and decades of civil unrest, Nicaragua has long been overlooked.

Posted on: December 7, 2014

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Christmas Eve in Yap Micronesia

Diving the Island of YAP. Unlike the neighboring island of Palau Yap still maintains its anonymity. Maybe that’s the reason for some of the best shark and ray encounters the island can offer


