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The Dive Shop Cambodia

The Dive Shop Cambodia

0 reviews 0 Cambodia flagCambodia

Phum Bei, Krong Preah Sihanouk, Cambodia

log a dive with us message us Booking Request

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Dive Shop Information:


    Transportation to & from the nearest Hotel or Port NO


    Accommodation at or immediately near your dive shop NO


    Dive Certifying Bodies we are affiliated or certified by

    PADI, 5 Star Dive Centers and Dive Resorts


    Diving with Nitrox YES

  • Accomodate Rebreathers YES

Additional Notes

The Dive Shop Cambodia

Welcome to The Dive Shop Cambodia, dedicated to all aspects of Scuba diving in Cambodia and the only PADI 5 Star Dive Center in Cambodia operating from a private beach.

We teach scuba diving in Cambodia at all levels from the entry level PADI Open Water Diver course to the professional level of Assistant Instructor!

All of our diving trips and scuba diving courses are still run in small groups so that we can offer you the best personal experience and the best scuba diving available in Cambodia.
Our Team aims not only to give you the necessary technical skills you need to scuba dive, but also to encourage an interest and appreciation of the diversity of marine life that can be found in Cambodian waters which are home to large numbers of Seahorses, Octopus and beautiful Nudibranches.



    Certifications YES

  • PADI


  • PADI


    Open Water Diver or equal rating, snorkel with no certification

  • PADI

    Open Water Diver, or equal rating


    PADI Scuba Diver

  • PADI

    Open Water Diver, or equal rating


    Open Water Diver, or equal rating

  • PADI

    Open Water Diver, or equal rating


    Open Water Diver, or equal rating

  • PADI

    Open Water Diver, or equal rating


    Advanced Open Water Diver, equal rating, Open Water Diver with PADI Underwater Navigator

  • PADI


    Adventure Diver (or equal rating) + CPR & First Aid trained within past 2 years

  • PADI

    Open Water Diver (or equal rating) + Rescue Diver (or equal rating) + EFR Primary and Secondary Care (or equal rating) within past 24 months + medical statement signed by physician


    Divemaster (or equal rating) + certified over 6 months + CPR & First Aid within past 24 months + medical statement signed by physician

  • PADI

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Cambodia flagCambodia
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  • The Dive Shop Cambodia
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